AI Policy - Drafting and what to keep in mind

AI Policy - Drafting and what to keep in mind

In this roundtable, we will discuss the process of formulating a comprehensive AI policy for your company.

Key topics  include:

  • Ethical Framework: Discussing the ethical principles that should underpin your AI policies, such as privacy, transparency, accountability, etc.
  • Risk Assessment: Providing insights into conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential biases, security vulnerabilities, and other risks associated with AI usage.
  • Stakeholder Involvement: Highlighting the importance of involving various internal stakeholders, including C-suite, board or different departments and team members.
  • Adaptability: Recognizing the dynamic nature of AI technology and suggesting mechanisms for updating policies to keep pace with evolving industry standards and regulatory changes.

As always with our roundtable discussions, this is a live members only event and no replays will be available.

Seating is limited to ensure the best conditions for dynamic, confidential discussion so sign up now to claim your spot.